Boat Club Membership vs. Boat Ownership


Affordable Solutions for Boat Enthusiasts

Having a membership to our Boat Club comes with many benefits and is often a better choice than owning a boat. Boating can be expensive, there is no doubt about it. However, with our Boat Club, membership is priced to where you get all the benefits of owning a boat without having any of the additional costs that come with ownership.


Benefits of a Boat Club Membership Include:

  • No maintenance or upkeep costs
  • No slip, storage or cleaning fees
  • Having access to a wide range of vessels and powerboats


Being part of our Boat Club gives you the opportunity to experience an entire fleet of boats at a reasonable and consistent cost. If you own a boat, there’s no telling when you will need to service your boat; not to mention all the intricacies of regular cleaning, storage, and maintenance. By joining Annapolis Boat Club, you don’t have to worry about these anomalies, because that’s what your membership pays for!


To take a deeper look at the benefits of a boat membership with Annapolis Boat Club,

please call 443.261.0741.